Bernardo Trier

started this Liberal Jour-

nal on the occasion of elec-

tion campains in the years 2000 / 02

Contact to and

T: +49.2236.963923, F: +49.2236.963965

In this Liberal Journal point of views, sights, tendencies of liberalism are

published and in addition why Bernardo Trier thinks that

liberalism is passion to such extent.

The Liberal Journal

Although there exits an organization of worldwide political liberalism, it is helpful to tighten more the links between all of us, who promote this thinking for a better society of citizen all around the world. Step by step what originally was thought and written in German will be translated. This Liberal Journal started in January 2000 on the occasion of the campaign to the election of Parliament in “Noth-Rhine-Westfalia””. Someone belonging to Liberal Youth said: “Candidate, you have to go by Internet”. Thus this Liberal Journal has been growing, comprising to day from day-to-day to political theory many aspects we, the liberals are interested on. 

basic liberalism

freedom, an emotion

liberal principles




social polítics


Sodom + Gomorra


foreign polícy

internal organization

new contributions



freedom, an emotiont


 Updated: December  8, 2003, 12:00